Mark your calendars: registration NOW open. Early bird rate in effect through February 15!
Register today for the virtual program that will be held on Wednesday, February 26 from 3:00-5:00 PM ET.
Members of the FSO can now access meeting highlights from the Masters in Ophthalmology 2024 Annual Meeting held June 21-23, 2024 in Orlando, FL. Click Here to view the slides and audio from several of our featured faculty presentations. This is a members-only benefit, so make sure you sign in using your FSO username and password to view these highlights.
If you need help with your username or password, please contact
The FSO Mentorship Program is designed to connect FSO residents and fellows with experienced ophthalmologists that are members of the FSO to provide personal, professional and leadership development. Mentees are matched with mentors based on the information gathered through the application process. Mentees can also select up to three mentor candidates from the list of FSO mentors. The program is open to all residents and fellows that are members of the FSO. To learn more and to apply for the Mentorship Program, visit the link directly below. Apply for the Mentorship Program, Attend the FSO Annual Meeting-Masters in Ophthalmology
On Saturday, June 22, the Florida Society of Ophthalmology (FSO) presented annual society awards to members during its Annual Business Meeting. Awardees were recognized for leadership, community service, and innovation in the field of ophthalmology.
Great news FSO members! If you missed the webinar on Tuesday evening, May 21, 2024, led by Dr. Rishi P. Singh on Optimizing Real-World Outcomes in Wet AMD: Reducing the Burden of Treatment with Longer-Acting Therapies, you still have the opportunity to watch and claim credit. The recording will be available to watch through August 19.
The Florida Society of Ophthalmology installed new officers at their annual business meeting on Saturday, June 22 in conjunction with their annual meeting in Orlando this past weekend. Raquel Goldhardt, MD, FACS, was elected as President of FSO and Drs. Correa, Singh, Bovee, Mahootchi, and Gibbons round out the executive leadership team.

The Florida Lions Eye Clinic is looking for ophthalmologists around the state that are interested in volunteering to provide free eye care to needy children and families in Florida. The commitment is at your discretion--you decide on how many patients you would like to see a month.

There has been a recent change in the Florida law regarding co-management of patients. The new law took effect on July 1, 2013. The Florida Society of Ophthalmology (FSO) and its general counsel have worked closely with OMIC to develop two sample forms to aid you in compliance with the new law.