Recognized Regional Societies
Recognized Regional Societies
The FSO has created a mechanism to establish formal relationships with other regional ophthalmology societies around the state. The FSO previously worked with the local regional ophthalmology societies to address advocacy-related issues by arranging for FSO representatives to attend regional society meetings to discuss the FSO positions on issues, promote membership in the FSO and solicit PAC contributions. Previously, the FSO bylaws referred to the societies as “recognized regional societies,” but there was nothing that clearly set forth the criteria on how a regional society became ‘recognized’ or what the term meant. In 2014, the members of the FSO Board along with leadership from regional societies around the state formed an ad hoc committee to establish criteria that would allow for formal relationships between the FSO and these organizations to occur.
The approved criteria states that to be approved as a Recognized Regional Society of the FSO the society must be comprised of at least 20% FSO members, hold at least two meetings per year, and agree to allow FSO to attend/present at its meetings. In return for meeting this criteria, the FSO will provide each approved regional society with up to $2,000 per year to fund their meetings, FSO staff support for sending eblasts/ mailings to their members, and a page on the FSO website.
If you would like more information on how your regional society can become recognized, please contact the FSO at 904-998-0819 or via email at
Tampa Bay Ophthalmological Society
The Tampa Bay Ophthalmological Society is dedicated to providing a forum for ophthalmologists in the community to gather and exchange ideas. For more information on TBOS, please contact the society.
OfficersFrances Acosta, MD- President
Priya Vakharia, MD- Vice President
Andrew Mueller, MD- Treasurer
Dana Schneider, MD-Secretary
Upcoming Meetings
Thursday, January 23, 2025
323 W Palm Ave, Tampa, FL 33602
Speaker: Mark Milner MD
Cocktails/Dinner: 6:30 PM
Palm Beach County Ophthalmology Society
Palm Beach County Ophthalmology Society is a regional society that offers member’s regular society sponsored dinners, an annual spouse dinner, participation in ophthalmology related public relations programs and more. For more information on PBCOS, please contact the society.
OfficersDeval Joshi, MD-President
Helayna Brown, MD-Vice President
Upcoming Meetings
January 2025
Please check for more information.
Duval County Society of Ophthalmology
The Duval County Society of Ophthalmology is a regional society that offers its members regular society sponsored dinner and more. For more information on DCSO, please contact the society.
Darby Miller MD, MPH, President
Upcoming Meetings
No meetings scheduled at this time.