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The Florida Society of Ophthalmology

The EyeMDs

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Know Who is Taking Care of Your Eyes

An ophthalmologist - Eye M.D. - is a medical or osteopathic doctor who specializes in eye and vision care. Ophthalmologists are specially trained to provide the full spectrum of eye care, from prescribing glasses and contact lenses to complex and delicate eye surgery. Many ophthalmologists are also involved in scientific research into the causes and cures for eye diseases and vision problems.

An optometrist receives a Doctor of Optometry (OD) degree and is licensed to practice optometry, not medicine. The practice of optometry traditionally involves examining the eye for the purpose of prescribing and dispensing corrective lenses, screening vision to detect certain eye abnormalities, and prescribing medications for certain eye diseases.

These technicians are trained to design, verify and fit eyeglass lenses and frames, contact lenses, and other devices to correct eyesight. They use prescriptions supplied by ophthalmologists or optometrists, but do not test vision or write prescriptions for visual corrections. Opticians are not permitted to diagnose or treat eye diseases.


Other Links and Resources


Agency for Health Care Administration

Board of Medicine
2727 Mahan Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: 888-419-3456

American Academy of Ophthalmology

655 Beach Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-561-8500

Florida Lions Eye Clinic

10322 Pennsylvania Ave
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
Phone: 239-498-3937

Caridad Center

8645 W. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33472

Christian Blind Mission

450 E. Park Avenue
Greenville, SC 29601
Phone: 800-937-2264

EyeCare America

P.O. Box 429098
San Francisco, CA 94142-9098
Phone: 877-887-6327

Florida Department of Health

Division of Community Health Promotion t
4025 Esplanade Way
Tallahassee, FL
Phone: 850 -245-4100

Florida Division of Blind Services

Robert L. Doyle, III, Director
325 West Gaines Street
Room 1114, Turlington Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: 850-245-0300

Florida Lions Eye Bank

900 NW 17th Street
Miami, FL 33136
Phone: 800-329-7000 ex.6359

Lighthouse Central Florida

215 East New Hampshire Street
Orlando, FL 32804
Phone: (407) 898-2483
Fax: (407) 898-0236

Prevent Blindness Florida

1112 E. Kennedy Blvd
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: 813-874-2020

Vision Rehabilitation Resources

655 Beach Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-561-8500