Academy Promotes Permanent Medicare Pay Fix During Capitol Hill Meetings
The Academy and other physician organizations are lobbying for a permanent Medicare physician pay fix during meetings with members of the U.S. House and Senate conference committee created to extend the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011. The organizations propose using savings from U.S. troop withdrawals in Iraq and Afghanistan to pay for the permanent fix. Discussions regarding proposals to extend the act are taking place between congressional staff, and the committee will meet after the Senate returns next week. Senate Democratic leaders are indicating that a temporary 10-month Medicare physician pay fix through 2012 is likely, while some House members are continuing to press for the House-passed two-year fix. The act, which includes the reprieve from the 27 percent Medicare physician pay cut caused by the sustainable growth rate formula, expires Feb. 29. The Academy provides tools to facilitate member communications with their representatives and senators to urge legislators to pass a permanent SGR solution that is equitable to all physicians.